Friday, 13 January 2017


Basics - For this prototype to type out new concepts and editors within the unreal engine. So I decided to try out making practice effects like snow.

How-  This practical effect will need to made without using anything from the starter content. I had to find guidance on how is the best way to make snow. My original plan was to make snow within the code itself and have the snow spawning into the level and using loops to loop the snow fall. Thankfully I found a useful tutorial called 'Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Creating a Snow Particle System' (Jones. S, 2015). This tutorial showed me how to make a practical using the emitters editor within unreal engine. I first needed to create a snow flake in photoshop.

Next I need to make the snow flake into a material and use that material within the emitters editor. In the image below it shows what this editor is like. The main use in is the options under the material like, spawn, initial location, initial rotation, initial size, est. These options help edit the fall rate, the way the snow moves, the rate of how many is fall and the like to allow me to decide correct movement of snow.

Why - I wanted to give the level an aesthetic appeal. I felt like the level was to still without the snow falling. As I have focus on the mechanics and functions of the game play, I felt that I need to focus on the aesthetics to add to the overall game experience.

Industry expectations - While I could of got with my original idea of using blueprints to create my snow effect. I realise that would have  game data that didn't need to me used up and my own time to make the snow. Making an emitter only could 20 minutes to create, while I imagine coding snow would have taken a lot longer to get running.

Re-usability - I have re-used this emitter in the second level outside, With little to not editing of the emitter I can use this for any snow level in a game I want. So this emitter is valuable for re-usability.


Jones, S. (2015). Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Creating a Snow Particle System [1/2]. [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 13 Jan. 2017].

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